One Spark expands to Europe
One Spark Berlin 2014 – RocketHub Campaign Video from One Spark on Vimeo.
This year, One Spark expands to Europe. One Spark Berlin will take place September 12-14, 2014 at the Alte Münze in Mitte. Help Creators launch and advance startups and ideas by giving your support today. A portion of every euro goes directly to the €100,000 Creator crowdfund. With your help we can offer bigger prizes to Creators and host a truly unforgettable festival experience in Berlin with pop-up concerts, parties and more. In return, we have some great rewards for you: insider updates, limited edition swag, All-Access passes and exciting marketing opportunities.
We just came across yet another example of how “everything is changing” and how the network effect allows people and ideas to interact and connect. How do you go about financing a creative project these days? Well, OneSpark is exploring the crowdsourcing landscape and is debarking for Europe and Berlin in September…
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